HALP! Dog Acting Weird...

Callie • 👶🎀 8.18.18. 👶🎀 3.16.20.

So my husband's in the Army and a few days ago, he left for a field training. Our 9 month old puppy has been acting bizarre since the night he left. Normally, she sleeps straight through the night, but every night so far that he's been gone, she seems to wake up every couple of hours, then she jumps on the window sill/dresser/laundry baskets to wake me up so I can let her outside. She uses the bathroom, I let her back in, she goes back to bed, and then it happens all over again a couple hours later. On top of that, today, she started peeing in the house RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, without even attempting to let me know she wanted out (mind you, she has been potty trained for a while now, and hasn't gone in the house for months!) What gives??? Might she have a UTI? Or is this more likely a psychological reaction to her dad not being around like he normally has been? What can I do to help?