Over the moon


Finally going to post my birth story.. sorry if it’s too long!!!

.. I’m 11 weeks PP, but here it is! My husband and I decided to start a family when I had a bad reaction to a medication to treat MS. I was having symptoms so I made an apt with my neurologist who confirmed my pregnancy! Fast forward 9 months I went in late on 9/13 to see my midwife and have my membranes swept. I went home disappointed bc I made no progress from the week before. 1cm & 60-70% effaced. I woke up all night from what I thought was just cramping so I shrugged it off. Around 8 am I tell my husband but still didn’t give it much thought. Around noon I tell him to get home and we should make our way to the hospital just to get checked.. well my hospital was on divert. I knew that could have been a reality my entire pregnancy but I didn’t want it to be mine. I wanted to deliver at my hospital with my midwife. (My husband is active duty so the hospital on post only has 6 beds and they fill up quick). So, we go to another local hospital & they tell me you’re 6cm & 100%!!!! Go time right?! We call all of our family to make the drive from PA to VA only to be told 2 hours later when I asked to be checked that I was really only 2-3cm 70%.. WTF?! I’m pissed. They end up discharging me bc I didn’t progress for a few hours. By this time my mom has arrived and she takes me home. BOY did those contractions get intense. I was in SO much pain. We then went to ANOTHER hospital and at this point I told them I refuse to be sent home and they must admit me. Finally get some morphine to help take the edge off & progress to a 4 by 1 am and request the epidural.. which turns into a spinal and they tell me I’m at risk by 70% to get the spinal headache. GREAT. Been there done that. By 9 am they break my water. I labor down until 3 and they tell me its go time. Contractions are on top of each other. I felt like I was gonna die. FINALLY my boy comes at 4:19pm after an hour and fifteen minutes of pushing I have my boy. He’s on my belly and I can’t figure out why he didn’t make it to my chest for skin to skin.. i later found out my cord was short. Shortly after he’s out the dr starts freaking out bc I’m hemorrhaging bc I accidentally ripped my IV out. They start loosing it bc they can’t get another IV in to start whatever that drug is they use to stop the bleeding? They end up giving it to me in my thigh. After I’m all cleaned up and stitched (2nd degree tear) I have my boy. My son Elliot James 9/15 8lbs 9oz 19 inches long. My everything.

My whole world clicked. I had everything I could ever need in my arms.. finally. As I’m sitting here at 2 am sleep deprived, fresh shirt since I was just thrown up on, going on hour 7 of these MS headaches & just pure jealously that my husband is snoring away.. my boy is curled up on my chest. How could I want/need anything else? I’m so in love.

Thanks for reading 😍