God is amazing!!! Our little one is healthy!!!

Sarah • God is great! First baby after miscarriage🌈 -Artist - Married for 1 yr

Since day one of this trial I have felt God tugging at my heart saying -This will be your testimony. I know the Lord wants me to share..

All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto those who keep his covenant and his testimonies. Psalm 25:10

About 2 months ago we had our anatomy scan for Rivers. I went to the next appointment by myself for the results, as Paul had to work that day. Never expecting for the Dr. to tell me he saw something in the sonogram that he was wanting to keep an eye on. So me being alone at the appointment and first time Mom I was scared and I let the enemy get the best of me. I automatically went to asking the Dr. what the worst case scenario was. I left the office and cried and cried and prayed and prayed. After looking into what the Dr. said and discussing with Paul if we wanted to do genetic testing. We both just agreed if we trust God there is no reason to do the testing. We will just wait.. so we waited and waited. Months we prayed. I will admit the first several weeks were really tough, once again I was letting the enemy get to me where he knew I was weak. I started reading a Christian book called “Satisfy My Thirsty Soul” one day while reading the book it talked about trusting God in your times of waiting. It said we have to give all the keys of our life to God .. not just 2 or 3 and keep some of the keys to our self but we must give them all! From that moment on I prayed and decided that is what I would do. I felt like such a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It feels absolutely amazing to trust the Lord with all of my life. During my waiting God gave me every sign through dreams, songs, conversations with other Christians, etc. He basically did everything but come and stand right before me to tell me it was going to be ok. I asked God to lead my footsteps and my heart.

Finally our follow up appointment came last Friday December 1st. Paul and I prayed before we walked in and I just had a sense of peace. As the sonographer was looking at our sweet boys brain she said this is where the cysts were.. and they are GONE! I’ve never heard Such sweeter words y’all!! I immediately just said over and over “Thank you God! We know this is you! We know He gave us this miracle!” There is no other way to explain it than a true miracle from the Lord!

We will love whoever our Rivers is. I know God is giving us the child he wants us to be parents of but I am just ever so grateful and thankful he is healthy!!!

I did one of the most difficult things I have done and I told God thank you for this trial because without trials in our life we wouldn’t need him. Through this He has brought myself and my husband closer to Him than ever.

God is the only way. He is the light, the truth, and my savior! I owe it all to Him forever and ever.