Prayers appreciated please


Good evening ladies, hope all of you mommas are doing well. Just wanted to come by and ask for prayers and support from my fellow almost 6 week old son is going to need surgery tomorrow afternoon to fix what’s called pyloric stenosis, which is basically the thickening of the muscle that allows food to pass from the stomach to the intestines which is causing him to projectile vomit whatever he eats 😔 we had originally thought he just had a severe case of reflux but deep down we knew something wasn’t right and sure enough this comes up 😢 as tough as it is to see my son like this, I am glad we now know that we weren’t crazy and he will (god willing) be fixed and we could all move on from this horrible time in our lives and move forward with a much happier baby. So if you ladies could please just say a little prayer for my dear son that he takes to the anesthesia well and the surgery goes well, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you so much ladies and I hope you all have a wonderful evenin🤗