dont know what to do 😔

i live with my boyfriend as of right now we dont have a place we just live with his friends we pay 500 in rent but our names are not on the lease so it scares me that we could get kicked out also we dont have the best relationship when hes mad he always threatens to kick me out to my sister i cant stay with her she told me she would put me in a shelter. hes an asshole he will call me all kind of names me drinks a lot and takes pills he stays out all night doesnt answer when i text him or if he does he lies saying that he is on his way home. its been about a year and 1/2 since we been together and throughout our whole relationship hes cheated on me. he tells me hes not cheated anymore "puts it on our daughter" he put in a relationship with me on facebook but still has a lock on his phone and when he puts the code in he always looks at me to make sure that i didnt see his code im just tired of this i love him so much i cry when i think about leaving him i sacrificed so much to be with him i lost my own mother because im with a black man now having a black baby. i even sleep on the floor with him despite the fact that i am 21 weeks and always have back pain i show him constant love i cater to his every needs. now my mom is having trouble with her rent cant pay it so she wants me to move in get a job and help her but she gave me a deadline to make up my mind which is next month in jan my baby is due in april and i asked if i could wait till after i have my little girl so he can atleast see her before i leave and his family i would have to take a plane so the baby has to be 1 month to go on the plane his family will hate me running off with there niece grandbaby ect. but my mom said it had to be in jan i dont know what to do i just keep crying when i think about it even though i didnt want one his family is planning a babyshower in early feb i think or march so i also miss out on that Nd i would feel bad because shes already been planning it. update: thank you all to whom have replied i dont know why i have let him treat me like shit all this time i guess my feeling for him always blinds me from seeing that i dont deserve to be treated this way when all i do is treat him amazingly. well i left out that i have a 4 year old son who i get on the weekends because hes in daycare all day we dont go through the courts so its both 50 50 i let him stay with his dad because im not in the best place right now. i just moved back home in july at the time i lived in Arizona i had my own place a decent job and we had split the months every 6 months we would switch on who had him then i moved back home because hes getting older and once in school the every 6 months wasnt going to work. my mother lives in arizona so i wouldnt be able to see my son and basically we would have to go through the courts to get everything sorted out in a fair way. i just dont want to leave my son behind. but i know that he is in a good environment i just dont want him to feel like i left him i know this isnt the best place to raise my second child. im just stuck on leaving and being so far away.