Odorless/no itch/no burn crumbly discharge comes and goes after IUD insertion.

I got a Jaydess IUD installed right after abortion on October 5th. 2 weeks after I noticed this weird discharge (which doesnt really discharge on its own, usually have to stick a finger in there). I went to the Docs office for a IUD check up last month and he saw the discharge and prescribed Diflucan. it seemed to help, but now its back about a week after my first period post-IUD insertion.

I have no burning sensation, no odor, no itch and no pain (even during intercourse with my partner).

I had a full gyn exam/std screening the day of my abortion/IUD insertion and nothing bad came back from results. I am very confused. Going back to Doc on Dec 20th.

Before abortion/IUD, I honestly had very little to no discharge pretty much all the time except some white discharge near periods. Had a BV in 2015, other than that, never had a yeast infection.

help :(

P.S.:: I still have some spotting of blood due to IUD which I was told is normal in the first 3 months. As you see in the pic there is a slight pink tint due to it but the actual color is more yellowish-white.