Conflicted pregnancy feelings.. help?

Amber • Hello Everyone! Thank you for stopping by my profile! I am currently the mother of a wonderful autistic 5yo girl named Aria, and baby Lyra who was born in September. I’m pretty blunt and I live in fact, I don’t sugar coat. Be warned. Aria - 1/27/18

Hey guys. So I’m 31 weeks tomorrow. I’ve been high risk since day one. I have Type One Diabetes and Schizophrenia. Now my blood sugars haven’t been great, but then again they haven’t been terrible with my average A1C throughout the pregnancy being 6.5. I’ve been off my psych meds the whole pregnancy so it’s been pretty rough honestly.

I have a wonderful family, and a great support system. Well today my fiancé and I went to the perinatologist. I’ve been seeing him since I was 12 weeks, so he’s been following my pregnancy the whole way. At about 20 weeks we realized my daughter was a bit small, and for a diabetic this is abnormal but not exactly bad. My fiancé and I are both very tiny. So genetics. Anyway today we went to see him again. And he pretty much told me I shouldn’t have gotten pregnant and that we shouldn’t have anymore children because my diabetes is not under control. My OB and Endocrinologist have both told me that I’ve been doing pretty well and they are happy with how this has been going.

I’m really hurt. This is my first child and we have worked very hard to do everything we can to work on my issues during the pregnancy. Anyway I’m starting to feel like I’m a failure and that I made a huge mistake getting pregnant. Other than being small there has been nothing wrong with my pregnancy. How do I still respect him as a doctor but also not let his personal opinions change my own feelings?

FYI - There is no medical reason a perinatologist should be commenting on my diabetes because it’s not his specialty. I know this, but he’s still my doctor and I still have a few months left of seeing him weekly.