UPDATE Still majorly sleep regressing


My son has been sleeping in his bed since he was 11 months old, and we did CIO at that time. However, around 18 months molars and a few back to back things happened that caused this recent regression.

First hurricane Irma, we evacuated and all slept together at my dad’s place.

Then we came back and he was sick, or molars, or maybe both and very needy... spent another week in our bed.

Then the insurance inspectors came and took ceiling samples from my son’s roof (to check for mold, water damage) and ended up totally tearing out the nursery ceiling. He couldn’t sleep there anymore while that was happening. Now it’s December and for 3 months he’s been sleeping with us for one reason or another. His ceiling has been back for about a week, and we have been able to get him to sleep in his room by letting him fall asleep in our bed then just moving him. But when he wakes up in his crib he SCREAMS like crazy until I get him.

I’ve tried to let him CIO but he’s so much more stubborn now - he will cry forever and throw in tossing himself angrily against the crib which really scares me.

I am upset because we had it, such beautiful sleep... and now it’s gone again and I feel like he’s suffering from it too. I don’t know how to fix it.

Update: Yesterday we switched his crib to a day bed, thinking maybe the freedom to get in and out would let him feel more “in control” and let him sleep better. At first he leaped into it, bounced on it, and just seemed SOOOO happy! We thought this was the answer for sure.

Then night came and he didn’t want anything to do with it. I ended up letting him fall asleep in our bed, then moving him. He woke up 2 hours later, and crouched in a corner weeping. He has a night light, so we weren’t worried he was going to hurt himself. I watched him for a little bit on the monitor and he didn’t go back to bed. Then I went in there and lay on the blankets we put to pad the floor (in case he fell). He lay next to me but REFUSED to fall asleep. From 1am to 3am he stared at me like he knew I was planning to leave him! Finally I gave up and just brought him to my bed... I mean jeez I need sleep too.

Idk what to do. I feel like I have the most stubborn kid ever.