I'm too scared to test

Y`Marrea • married to love of my life 💍 mommy of 2 boys🩵 and 1 girl🦄

I haven't been tracking my cycle my husband and I have been taking the "if it happens then it happens" approach and I posted a while ago about what I thought was a faint line and the i got a negative. I've been going to the bathroom literally like every 30 minutes or so never more than an hour between trips my boobs were hurting and now they just feel heavy I am so tired all the time but I also work at night so I didn't think too much of it. my husband thinks I could still be pregnant we've concluded that may be we tested too early. we bought a first response and I'm way way way too terrifies to take it. I don't want a negative and then it makes me wonder if it is negative then wtf is wrong with me. more importantly why can i stop peeing😣 lol