This is what extinction looks like



Sudan is the last northern white rhino male in existence, which is why it is guarded around the clock, though not always as close as this. Photo is courtesy of Ol Pejeta Conservancy

The world's population of northern white rhinos is down to five and the Ol Pejeta Conservancy is home to three of them, including the last remaining male—which is being guarded by armed rangers around the clock.

Along with the critically endangered northern white rhinos, the conservancy in Kenya is also home to 23 white rhinos and 105 black rhinos, making it the largest black rhino sanctuaries in East Africa.

In an effort to protect the rhinos from poaching, and to possibly save the northern white rhinos from extinction, the conservancy enlists 40 armed rangers to patrol the 90,000-acre conservancy.

The most important rhino is Sudan, the 40-year-old male northern white rhino that is under constant surveillance, as are two females. Sudan isn’t always surrounded closely by armed guards, as “we try and let our rhinos be ‘wild’ as much as possible without human interaction,” Eldoie Sampere of the conservancy told GrindTV in an email.

To increase security, Sudan was fitted with a radio transmitter, and its horn was removed.

"The only reason his horn has been cut off is to deter poachers," Sampere told The Dodo. "If the rhino has no horn, he is of no interest to poachers. This is purely to keep him safe."

Sudan and three other northern white rhinos were obtained by the conservancy from a Czech Republic zoo in 2009 in hopes of breeding the rhinos, a goal yet to be attained. Suni, a 34-year-old male, died last October, leaving the existence of the northern white rhino up to Sudan.

Rhino horns, prized in Asia for its ancient belief that they can reduce fevers and seizures, have no medicinal value. It's said to be like biting your fingernails.

Nevertheless, rhino horns command big money—$30,000 per pound.

The Kenya Wildlife Service says 54 rhinos in general were killed by poachers in 2014, according to

From 1960 to 1980, the population of more than 2,000 northern white rhinos was reduced to only 15 because of widespread poaching, and now it's up to Sudan to keep the species alive. And it's up to the armed rangers to keep Sudan alive.

According to an interview with World of Animals, Simon Irungu, a ranger with the Ol Pejeta Conservancy, said armed patrols set out at dusk and return to camp by morning and often find themselves in the line of fire to protect the animals.

"With the rising demand for rhino horn and ivory, we face many poaching attempts and while we manage to counter a large number of these, we often risk our lives in our line of duty," Irungu said. "Our conservancy is among the least damaged by poaching now, thanks to a dedicated and united team and the support of our management and beyond."

The Ol Pejeta Conservancy is hoping to raise funds to keep the rhino rangers safe so there is a future for the animal.

"Please keep giving and spreading the word, our wildlife’s future, depends on you," the conservancy stated on its campaign.


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Posted at
It’s weird to think that by the time I have kids we could be teaching them about how Rhinos went extinct during my lifetime.Poaching really angers me.


De • Dec 6, 2017
That’s what I was thinking. We’ll have to show pictures to our kids of an animal that no longer exists.


Posted at
😢😢😢Makes me so sad. It is pure evil to kill these beautiful creatures for a bullshit traditional medicine that doesn’t even work. And they literally will not stop until every rhino is dead. ❤️ to these rangers for protecting them.


Posted at
This is so sad. I had no idea there was only one left. The end of an entire species in my lifetime? Mind boggling...


Posted at
Poor baby.😔❤️ fuck poachers! Why do people have to be so selfish and cruel?!🤬


Posted at
Are they doing anything to help repopulate the white rhino population?


Ria • Dec 6, 2017
That makes sense.


De • Dec 6, 2017
From what I’ve read, yes they are trying to breed but just like humans it can take a while for conception, even with artificial implantation.


Posted at
Wonder where his horn went to... 🤔


Posted at
Aww, that makes me sad. They’re beautiful animals.

Posted at
I couldn't even make it all the way through without tears. But i still made it. Idk if its because ive always loved rhinos, or if the disgust in the selfishness in human nature is just too overwhelming but it just makes me so sad.


De • Dec 6, 2017
I’ve always liked them too! But then again, I’m a big animal geek and truly love them all. Even snakes. Lol


Posted at
This just breaks my heart. I don't even know what to say because this just makes me so upset and angry


Posted at
Breaks my heart 💔