I feel better.


So last night I have a pain on my right side right on my hip bon. I just went to bed, thinking it would be gone in the morning! when I woke up I still had it and I was nervous, back in April I delivered my son at 20 weeks he had stopped growing at 15 and we think passed away around that time. so I called the doctor this morning and said that I was worried about the pain, my OB said to come in and she would use the Doppler and let me hear the baby's heartbeat she said sometimes that helps the moms feel better and calm down. so after work I went in and after 10 minutes of trying she couldn't find the heartbeat with the Doppler. my heart was racing I was so nervous, she said don't worry at this stage it's hard to find the heartbeat with a Doppler she was just going to do an ultrasound real quick she had to go turn on the machine. I waited a few minutes and then she took me back and as soon as she said the ultrasound wand on my belly I could see the baby moving around waving its hands and it had a strong heartbeat.! thank you god! it was the best thing to see and hear. I feel a lot better know the pain is just round ligament pain and that the baby is fine.