Woman over 40 years old what were your pregnancy challenges?


Hi. i am 42 years old and a mom of 3 boys and one angel son. I had my first two sons at age 21 and 25. I then was successfully pregnant at age 40 but my son was born early at 35 weeks 6 days as the placenta was failing and his heartrate fell to very low. I was a gestational diabetic. My son was born sept. 2016. he is a healthy toddler now. i fell pregnant again 5 months later and had a misscarriage at 16 weeks but baby died at 13 weeks and body did not recognize it. Genetically he had no abnormalities. My pregnancy tissue was healthy. i had nothing wrong and my diabetes were controlled. I am ttcing again. i would like to know what issues, if any you experienced while pregnant in your 40's. Thanks in advance