lazy vs pent up


So Sunday my bf and I had amazing, mind blowing sex. We are known to have a good couple romps if we are both off. He starts again later that night then as I say let's go to the bedroom, he stops me and says nope you have to wait until Saturday... Um.. What? We are going out of town for a wedding and he says he wants me all pent up for hot after wedding, hotel sex... Hmm..

So last night after a couple glasses of vino, we start fooling around. He literally stops me, hard dick in hand and about to go down on him and says nope, I'm making you wait!

I ask him why... Thinking it has to be laziness.. He swears he wants some hot hotel sex. This man whiskey dicks me after a few so I know he won't be able to perform after drinking at the reception. He keeps going on, thinking it's a joke. I finally get so fed up, drop his hard dick, shout its fucking stupid, and go to bed.

This morning he leaves to go on shift (he's a firefighter) and was mad at me. I honestly feel strongly about sex. I'm a very sexual person and I need it for stress relief so him thinking it was funny irritates me. I'm still thinking he's just being lazy. Does anyone else's man do this? I apologized for cursing at him and it took him a bit to get over it. Just makes me insane. Seriously going to deny me?? Help!