Parenting issue - become better


It's a complicated subject and I don't know if I can express it so that I can make myself entirely clear.. But I'll try. How can you make a child compete only with himself and not with the others? How can you avoid comparing him to the others? You can easily fall into this trap and so is your child. And sure thing is this can lead to frustration, and envy and a lot of other nasty things. I know that encouraging him to be the best version of himself is ideal, but a lot of theories fail in practice. Besides, life is about competition. Starting with the exams, then with job interviews

, and then at work. A lot of serious companies make yearly evaluations that can affect your whole life based on an average status of the employees. More than that, there are a lot of other situations (more or less significant) where it's important to know how the others are doing. For instance your child just got a bad grade at a test. I think it's important to know how other's grades were because it might have been a general problem with the teaching of a particular subject. Where is the line between ok and not OK in doing this?