pregnancy vs abortion

i am now 5 weeks pregnant but the father of the baby (my ex bf) does not want to keep it. Our relationship has been off and on for the past year but mostly off recently, we were just having sex without any commitment to each other. A part of me wants to keep the baby and a part of me knows that it will completely change my life and i dont think i am ready. I do not want to have a baby to a man that doesnt want the baby, its not fair. We are both african and catholics, so our families are old school and would not take well to a pregnancy before marriage. His dad is sick and he is worried that telling his dad that he got me pregnant without any form of commitment may worsen his condition. He was supposed to travel home this christmas but cancelled his flight to be here with me if i decide to have the abortion. He has told me that this pregnancy has taught him that he never really appreciated me and that he wants to make things right with me and do better. He wants us to now exclusively be in a relationship and work towards an engagement, marriage then a child, do it the right way. There is a big part of me that wants a future with him. i do love him alot. the only thing that makes me have second feelings is that in the past i have always done alot for us but he was kind of living in his own world and wasnt really there for me like i was for him. How do i know that he is not just saying this because he feels bad for me or just wants to have the abortion and get it over with? im scared that once again i am making the sacrifice for us and he may not be there for me in the ways i need him. i love him alot and want to consider him in the decision but again some part of me feels like it is too big a sacrifice for a future😞