
Hi guys man this baby making process is quite a journey isn't it. Me and my husband starting trying in January this year and I didn't think about the 'two week' wait having to do that every month. Every ache or pain straight away you think OMG am I pregnant. Were only a few months ago I would not have given a second thought to what my body was doing. I really though we had it nailed this month I was straight onto it when I new I was ovulating I was stoaked. And I starting having symtoms like getting super emotional I've cryed a few times at stupid things and I have had a sore back and my boobs are huge and sore my hubby is loving how big they are getting lol. I really thought I might be this time but I got my period today :( it is very very light to what if normally is and not nearly as painful I'm hoping it's implantation bleeding but it's quite red. I'm hoping this next time when we try I don't overthink everything I wish you could turn that part of your brain off lol