I Really Need Advice PLEASE

My aunt has two kids that are school aged, like 8 and 10 years old. The girl (10) isn't as bad, but the boy (8) is who concerns me. He's violent. I've had to nearly toss him off of me due to clawing/biting, he tried to push my 60 yr old grandmother (who's health is very poor) onto her tile floor because she wouldn't give him her tablet (I was there to catch her, thank God), he beats on his older sister and has left marks on her (including one scar), AND he's even attacked his school teachers resulting in a weekend stay at a child correctional facility. TWICE. Other times he'll just randomly have outbursts of violent fits hitting walls, furniture, and people and throw/break things. My SO actually refused to come into my grandparents house last time the kid was there because on a previous encounter the kid attacked him as well. My aunt has him on meds, but I honestly don't think they're helping. She also pretends like nothing is wrong with him and cusses anyone out who points out that he really needs some form of help.

Now I have a 2 month old baby girl and I'm literally terrified of him being anywhere near her. My grandparents look forward to babysitting her occasionally in the coming months, but the boy is there very often and I don't know how to tell them how I feel about him being around her. I used the excuse of the kids being germy from school to keep him away last time, but I can only use that so much. Help.