NERVOUS! Finally told brother

When I was 18 years old I was told I could never get pregnant cause my eggs didn't drop properly and if I ever did get pregnant i would have a less than 5% chance of carrying full term. I had a period once ever 2-3 months. At the time I didn't care cause I was young and still had things to do in my life. Now I'm older and married to my S/O.

We've been trying for over a year and finally got pregnant in October! But unfortunately I had a miscarriage and we were both heart broken. My husband being as amazing as he is looked at me and said "It could've been worse. At least now we know we have a chance" When he said this I broke out in tears. During the month of November we decided to take a brake from ttc. Hes been my rock through all of this and idk what o would do without him. Then one day I found an extra pregnancy test in our closet and thought why not? I wasn't feeling sick or anything. I had no symptoms of being pregnant I honestly don't know why I took the test.

But clear as day it came up positive! And I took plenty more after that.

I was so confused cause I wasn't even close to starting my period and I had no symptoms of being pregnant

It's been almost 3 weeks since I took the tests so I have a feeling this one is gonna stick. I also finally told my brother and I've never seen him smile for as long as he did.

I made an appointment to find out if I actually miscarried or this is a whole new pregnancy but either way I am so blessed and I thank God everyday for even getting the opportunity to be pregnant even if it doesn't last. Thank you and sorry for the long post 🤣