Acid Reflux and colic


Hi, I have a two month old and he's having a lot of issues with acid reflux. He spits up constantly, is always congested, has tons of gas and gas pain, has lots of giant poops (although pediatrician says this is normal), he has a lot of trouble sleeping and staying asleep, and sometimes screams and screams and is completely inconsolable. He has been on Zantac since 5 weeks and it seemed to help some (not all the way) but the last week and a half has been horrible. The pediatrician hasn't given many suggestions and seems not to be concerned as long as he is gaining weight. He is still gaining but has gone down a bit in percentile (from 30 to 22). He also has had increasing problems. nursing. He is breastfed with one or two breastmilk bottles a day. He has never been great at latching, he had a tongue and lip tie that were fixed at 1 week, but still loses his latch all the time. Recently, he pulls off and screams over and over and I worry he's not getting enough to eat. He seems to do a bit better with a bottle. I have tried mylacon, gripe water, Zantac, probiotics, keeping him upright after feeding, feeding upright, burping constantly, bicycling his legs... But it seems to be getting worse. Next I am going to try to eliminate dairy and eggs. I hate to see him so uncomfortable. Any suggestions? I am a ftm and maybe some of this is normal but he Really seems like he's in pain. Thanks!