Can’t do ANYTHING!


My 11 week old is trying to drive me to insanity. He hates EVERYTHING!

Can’t go to the store because he hates the car seat and stroller.

Can’t rest because he hates being put down.

Can’t sit down because he likes to move.

Baby carrier? Nope.

Nursing? Won’t do it.

Sleeping more than 3 hours? Nope.

Naps? Nope.

Reflux meds? Instantly spit up.

Tummy time? Hate it.

Play gym? Screaming.

Diaper/clothes change? HOW DARE YOU.

The only thing this boy likes (besides a bottle) is when he’s in the bath. I’m going to raise him as a merman because that’s the only way I’ll survive.

Anyone else have a needy baby?

(Just to clarify, I love my son. He’s the cutest chubbiest crying machine ever. I just want to go to Target 😭)