Postpartum Anxiety

Anyone have any experience with this? I’ve struggled with anxiety my whole life, and was previously medicated for it - Zoloft and Xanax. When I was trying to get pregnant I stopped the meds, and when I finally did get pregnant I was happier than ever with no anxiety. This continued after the birth UNTIL I stopped breastfeeding. The very day that I quit breastfeeding (at 7 months postpartum) I felt the worst rush of anxiety I’ve ever felt in my life. It was so bad I called my in-laws who live 2 hours away to come help (and I don’t like them very much). Ever since then my anxiety has been just as bad, if not worse, than it was before I got pregnant. I tried calling my OBGYN office - they told me since it wasn’t postpartum depression that they couldn’t help me and that I needed to call a psychiatrist. Which I feel was extremely negligent of them.

Since stopping breastfeeding I have panic attacks daily. My whole day is controlled by this anxiety. I rarely leave my house because I am afraid to have a panic attack while out. I love my baby more than anything in this whole world, and I don’t want him to grow up with a mother who is like this and possibility pick up these traits. Plus I feel like we don’t get enough outside stimulation because I am afraid to leave the house.

No particular question .... I just would appreciate any feedback or advice. Thanks in advance.