Feeling confident for the first time in months


Sense entering my early 20’s I’ve gotten adult acne, gained weight, and now have a girlstache 👴🏻 it’s like I’m going through puberty

Before you ask, yes I’ve been to the Dr. I’ve had all my hormones, thyroid, and everything else under the sun checked. After the blood work came back, everything was normal.

I’ve never had any acne throughout high school so this is all new and extremely embarrassing. I feel like everyone in their 20’s is in their prime, and I’m over here looking like shrek.

I started going to the gym, paying attention to what I’m putting in my body and drinking a lot more water. After isolating myself and not looking anyone in the eyes for months, I finally began to feel like myself again.

My husband and I bought tickets to the military ball, and that was a BIG deal. I’ve only met one or two people he’s worked with because I’ve been SO self conscious.

I decided to put on my big girl panties and suck it up. I spent 2 weeks preparing for the ball (hair, nails, spray tan) and when the day came I felt BEAUTIFUL.

Apparently my husband thought so too because I was on display the whole night.

“Hey man, this is my wife Sunny”... end of conversation and on to the next person lmao! 😂

I wanted to share with the glow community because sometimes being a women is hard and confusing but we are beautiful!