Weaning for daytime?


I’ll be going back to work in January 3 days a week and my babe will be watched by my parents. The past 2 months anytime she’s been babysat she has refused to take a bottle. Once they even tried putting pumped milk in a cup and she refused it. She’s never had a sitter for 9 hours straight before so I’m worried how she’s going to handle it if she won’t drink pumped milk. How Can I start preparing her and weaning during the day? She is very aggressive when she wants to nurse and will pull my shirt down, stick her hands down and grab handfuls if boob, head but my breasts, scream and cry, she is relentless 😅.

She’ll be 13/14 months old and still nurses at least 8 times a day.

Also allergic to dairy so we are trying to wean her on to coconut milk but she won’t drink it.