Help meeeee.


My daughter is 13 months and was sleeping 7 pm to 7 am every night and going down for her naps without a struggle most of the time. Now all of a sudden, it’s like she’s 4 months old again. She will not nap or sleep unless I’m rocking her and holding her. I mean she SCREAMS her head off. And she woke up at 10 pm last night screaming and was up until 1 am either screaming or playing. Idk what to do. I am currently in college and it’s finals week and I have no time to study or do anything.

She has a tooth cutting through, but teething has never caused her to be this bad before 😭 I feel awful idk what to do. I’ve been giving Tylenol which seems to help a little. But I need to have her nap on her own. It took until she was 8 months to grt her to do that, I can’t go back to holding her all the time.