Sister problems


My sister is 13, I’m 16. I feel that she is very competitive with me. This bullies me in this way actually. I might for example say something that I might say it so that we laugh, and she always feels that I make fun of her or something. But the problem is that she doesn’t believe me when I say to her ‘I tried to say something funny for us to laugh’. She always yells like crazy as if I did something way more serious and I always leave the room sad (or maybe crying) as I imagined this conversation to end in a way more different way. She never feels sorry for me trying to do something nice and being yelled back. She always finds a disadvantage of my physical appearance or my character and throws it in my face like ‘you are so dumb’ or ‘you are not better than me’ etc. These are harsh words to listen from a person you love more that she think. She has become a completely emotionless person (especially with me). I do so much for her and she never considers anything, she always forgets the good things that I have done for her. And I do what I do to win her respect and love but it seems that she takes advantage of me. I’m tired of trying 😢