My labor and delivery story


On Nov 27 at 10:30 I went to the his with consistent contractions. I had contractions earlier that day but they weren’t consistent when then. I went to labor and delivery and I was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced I was told that I would have to walk to 2 hours then come back to see if I was really in labor. I only walk an hour before the contractions got to the point were I was on my hands and knees in the floor in so much pain I could breathe or talk through them. I went back to labor and delivery and I was still 3 cm so I went home for 2 hours and took a bath and a warm shower to try and relax. By the time 6 o’clock rolled around I was i was in so much pain nothing help. So we went back to labor and delivery and I had progressed to 4 cm and I was still 80% effaced. I was admitted and giving my epidural. I was told that I might have to have a C-Section because my daughters heart rate kept dropping and go back up every time the tried to put me in another position. They monitor me and my daughter for several hours and they had to put internal monitors in. At about 5 or 6 cm dilated they broke my water and my daughter pooped inside the womb which terrified my husband because of how fatal that is that doctors and I told him she would be fine as long as when she was born she did swallow and but they had extra baby nurses come just in case. I was about 7 or 8 cm when I had to get my epidural redone back it started to come out possible from being turned back and forth from side to side. After my epidural had kicked in I was 9 cm and felt a strong pressure and I felt the urge to push about 30 minutes to and hour later I felt and even stronger urge and when my nurse came in she checked me and I was 10 cm and it was time to push. I think I pushed for 10 to 15 minutes maybe not even 10 minutes but it felt like I was pushing for an hour before I knew it he head started to show and the doctor let me feel it. 4 or 5 pushes after that I heard her cry. As soon as I heard her first cry my husband and I and my mother all started crying. Avery Nichole was born at 9:30 pm Nov 28th she was 6lbs 2 oz 20 inches long and the prettiest baby I’ve ever seen. I wanted to do skin to skin with my baby but do to uncontrollable shaking I had after having her I couldn’t do it cause I was under blanket to try and make my shaking stop. Even tho I didn’t do skin to skin in the hospital I did it at home with her. I’m the happiest mommy in the world