My baby is already stubborn


So we had our 18 weeks fetal scan yesterday and the baby was folded like a lawn chair! We were in the US room for 30 minutes before we got to see if we call it a he or she! The poor ultrasound tech was kinda low key freaking out. She wasn't sure if all the measurements she was able to get were okay... I have to go back in two weeks to get more scans mainly for the heart. Strong little heart beat though! Long little legs and hands that stayed either around the face or genitals 😂

In order to find out the gender an older tech came in and she was like, "if you really want to know, we can do a transvaginal." Of course I jumped all over that! Withing 30 seconds pf the wand being in, the baby gave up the goods.

He's definitely stubborn like his daddy! I already love him to pieces! We haven't stopped smiling since yesterday!

his little foot

the potty shot! there's no doubt.

and our announcement! we made both sets of parents ornaments to surprise them! that couldn't believe it was blue!