
I used to have really great skin I would receive many compliments for my complexion however within the past year and a half my skin took a 180 and now I have those really big pimples that grow under the skin and big pimples that are on the surface...and my skin is red from all the pimples so I’m guessing its scarring...I’ve gone to a dermatologist and I was given medication for it however it wasn’t making much progress so I stopped taking and them a bit after that I went on birth control cause my doctor said it helps with acne and I do have times where my skin is pretty good but then I break out again...mainly my T-Zone especially my chin. I wash my face morning and night and I try hard not to touch my face

One day I really started thinking when acne became a problem and I think I made a connection. My boyfriend moving in with me and I’m starting to think he’s the reason why and I don’t know if I’m crazy for thinking that but whenever I’m away from him like when I go visit my family who live in a different state my skin clears up fairly well and looks like my skin is making progress.

What do you guys think could it be possible?