Sleep training CIO - help


For those who used the cio method. How long did they cry? I’m trying to sleep train my 9 month old he sleeps great at night and the day but it’s getting to bed tat the problem is. He’s to excited an fights it. Tonight he cried 20 minutes and it was hysterical crying. like badd .. I ended going in and just patted his back and hushed him and he fell asleep within 2 mins. Was it wrong? Can anyone give me any suggestions? He sleeps 3 hours in the day and 11 hours at night with no wake ups

****Update ***. so night 2 he cried 10 mins and has vomited all over his bed. I’m in here eith him now changed his sheets trying to calm him. His cry isn’t a grizzle it’s like a constant scared cry. I can’t do it. I should of done it earlier and I feel like the biggest failure of a mum right now