My Gran passed away....

On December 4th 2017, my gran passed away. It was around 9pm, she and my grandad/grandpa were quite ill so my dad would go check on them alot, before he went to his work at 10pm, he went down to their house as it isnt that far away, he walked in and she was on the couch, not moving, he tried to give her SPR, tried to save her, he learned SPR at school and the only time he had to use it was for his mum 🙁. She didnt make it, turns out she died because of a blood clot, no not period related, it was near her heart. I dont know why I posted this but I wanted to write about it. I didn't go down to see her as much as i could, as much as i should. I miss her, alot. My dad isn't doing well, who would, my grandpa is ill now, my dad doesn't want to leave him. The funeral is soon, its a private one, we are having one at their house so my grandpa doesnt have to go out and then we go in a limo to see her casket....🙁😢 My mum told me at around 11pm that night and I didn't sleep, just went to school and acted like everything was fine. I miss her 😢😢❤x