Instagram posts

Sheldan • 🌈BA in psych, currently working on my Psy.D. Married. one Early MC...🤰🏽🌈 #1 11/26/18. #prochoice #prolove #profreedom

So, now that I've miscarried I'd really love to not see all of the pregnant belly, baby stuff on my explore page. I can't get rid of it, it's there because I was obviously liking all that stuff while I was newbie TTC'er and when I was pregnant. Now I'm babyless and hopeless and seeing that stuff makes me depressed. I also haven't deleted my baby registry although I did delete the app on my phone. For two reasons 1. I did a lot of research on everything I put on there so when/if I do get pregnant that list is good. 2. Im too emotional to delete it. Like it was already bad enough having to change my profile to miscarried on the <a href="">pregnancy apps</a> I downloaded, and having to delete those. I'm starting to think I should see a therapist or something because the way I am feeling is not normal in my opinion