
Ok ladies.. so most of ya'll already know how much mother nature loves to just creep up on us every month and pack a tanty because we havent given her a baby even though she's gotten our uterus all nice and prepped and even given us an egg to get fertalized well... if you think cramps and mood swings isnt enough wait for it... you get your period in white jeans 😖 yes....white frikin JEANS!! This happened to me last months cycle. Ya know...everything was sweet!!! Went out shopping, just paid $84.99 for these awesome pair if white jeans that i knew was too small for me but was gona fit my bloated ass into - got home and squeezed into them after 5mins of singing Chingys song - Dem Jeans to myself whilst losing my breath and wore them for all of 2 hours coz all of a sudden my little cousin who is only 13 pointed out the leakage freakage patch on the back side of my butt.😨😨😨 I went as red as a 🍓 and took my handbag into the toilet...TO THEN REALISE!!! I have run out of frikin tampons!!!😢😢 had to call my partner and wait in the toilet for half n hour for him to bring me not only black fat pants but also tampons and chocolate.So ladies please take my advice...if you think youre coming up to your not...I REPEAT DO NOT WEAR WHITE JEANS. RIP TO ALL THE WHITE JEANS THAT HAVE FALLEN A VICTIM TO MOTHER NATURES WRATH...THE PERIOD.