23 weeks & questioning my relationship..


So.. before I even found out I was pregnant I was debating on leaving. I should have honestly. I am now 23 weeks and still with him as I've been trying really hard to make it work for our daughters sake.. He is prepared to take care of us financially, which I really apprietate, but emotionally I've felt so neglected. I've tried to explain numerous times that he just doesn't say sweet things to me, show thoughtfulness/kindness, or shows that he loves me & he just gets really angry with me- saying I don't do anything (I dont have a job because I've been really sick and in pain due to hip problems) so i shouldn't expect that from him. I don't want it to be like this for the rest of my life. I wish I didn't feel like I was settling. I would leave but his mom & sister are excited to be a part of the babies life and idk how I would even handle that. :( I love this man but at the same time I feel like I deserve what I've been missing in this relationship. It would be so much easier to move on from this if he hadn't gotten me pregnant. :( BTW.. I'm 18 nearly 19 and the pregnancy wasn't planned. I feel so stuck and scared.