What should I do


I been talking to this guy since beginning of August and I do really really like the guy and I would do anything to him and I’m if I needed him he would do anything for me but I hung out with him 2 times since August and I understand he helps pay for bills he has 2 truck payments and he has a bike payment and he pays for the mortgage on the house. But he still hasn’t asked me to hangout. I did confront him about it and he got mad because the way I did it but he explained to me that he just needs to take some stuff off his plate first he does have a lot of health issues and he helps with his dads business while having a full time job. But like I still feel like he could try a little more he knows I’m not asking for a whole day just like a hour you know. I really care for this guy and I know he cares about me that’s not what I am questioning but he did ask me why do I care about holidays that much and like it’s cause for the last 2 years I been single and on my own every holiday and I want someone to spend them with and spoil. He doesn’t understand why I care about Valentine’s Day and I mean I think it’s kinda rude that he said that to me I mean shouldn’t he care about Valentine’s Day?

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