My breakthrough after 3 year of TTC


I had a breakthrough day today. After trying to be strong for so long and hiding my sadness behind “when it happens it happens”- I finally allowed myself to cry it out and told my husband how not getting pregnant makes me feel. We have been trying for almost 3 years now. I’m 34. We even tried <a href="">ivf</a>. Doctors say nothing is wrong with either of us - we have done all the tests. The only issue was a small endometriosis which was removed...still didn’t help. This whole process changed me a lot. I used to be very positive and lost a lot of it throughout the whole process. Today we had a talk with my husband and we decided to accept that it probably won’t happen. Maybe it’s meant for us to adopt? I always wanted it as a kid, so maybe it’s a sign that this is what I should do? How long have you been trying?