Constantly being accused of cheating.

TJ • Baby boy born on 7/19/19 💙

First things first, I've NEVER cheated on my bf. EVER. Even though he treats me like shit. He literally asks me every day if I'm cheating or ever cheated on him. If I say the same thing to him he goes, "if someone accuses someone of cheating, that means they're doing it." I was a virgin when I met him and I've never been with anyone else besides him. IDK if it's because he's been tramatized in past relationships and he has ptsd from it or he's extremely insecure and jealous. We always start the day off so well, then by the end of the day, he goes on a fucking rampage and starts making shit up like he says his "home boys" say they fucked me and gave me aids and blah blah blah. I literally don't even leave the house unless it's for work or with him. He even told me that's what made him fall in love with me because I don't leave the house, I don't party, I don't do anything but stay home and watch TV or YouTube. So he KNOWS all these things but yet he lies his ass off and goes I'm just asking you. I'm like mf you KNOW it's not true so why even ask?!