Ultrasound at 5 weeks 2 days


So went to er for contraction type pain, n since I had a Mc in October they did more bloodwork n then an ultrasound i knew i wouldnt get to see it but shockingly the tech let me watch n i knew since i wasnt even 6 weeks we wouldnt see a baby in there, but we saw my little sac, n it measured perfect 5 weeks 2 days n she said its just so hard to tell since your so early, but I think I see 2 yolk sacs but I can’t say for certain (theres 1 amniotic sac so if it is 2 they are identical) but I have my first official us with my ob at 6 weeks 3 days do we will see then if there is really 2 babies!!! Oh also found out I have a tilted uterus! After 2 babies n 1 miscarriage I find this out! How crazy