I finally did it


So I had this enormous internal conflict with myself to decide if I should tell my bf about everything that’s happened. I finally did and I’m so glad I did. It was super hard to say and took a lot of time to plan how I wanted to say it, but I did it.

He was amazing about it. He stayed right by my side. He didn’t get frustrated when I’d start to have a panic attack, burst into tears or even start to choke up. He just rubbed my back told me that everything was going to be alright. He told me I was his baby girl and nothing would ever happen to me again. That if anyone else ever touched me and I didn’t like it to tell him and he’d kick their asses.

No one has ever cared enough when I told them. All I ever got was an awkward silence or an odd, forced out “okay” or an “I’m sorry”. He helped me relax and I’m so glad I told him because now I don’t have to try hiding why I suddenly want to leave a room when one of the three of them come in. Or why I try hiding behind them. He just lets me be and stands guard of me. I feel so much better. ❤️