My Struggle

Kassy • TTC 👶🏻 #1

My husband and I have been together for seven years. I feel that we have done things the “right way”, we dated for three years, went to college, moved in together, got engaged after five years, we got good jobs, we bought a home and got married then bought a dog. We were responsible and used protection to wait for the “perfect time”. After five years, I got off birth control the month we got married because we were ready. We got married in May and didn’t try but didn’t prevent either because everyone says “don’t try and it will happen”, I was hoping we would get pregnant. Well since I got off birth control I’ve had my period once and it was more like spotting. So now that it hasn’t happened for six months we really wanted to start trying, we’ve been actively trying for a month and nothing. So I was going to make a Dr’s appointment but I’m on my parents insurance which is awful because they don’t cover anything, but my parents get a money card to make up for it so it works out for them but sucks for me. So I was going to switch to my husbands insurance but I have to wait till open enrollment which is in September and I could have done it when we first got married but I didn’t think it was a big deal till now. I’m really fucking heart broken, I feel like everything is going against us and I feel like just letting it go and waiting till next year and it seriously hurts my soul.