Threatening miscarriage


I’m almost 8 weeks pregnant but I found out that I was expecting on my birthday two weeks ago. Yesterday morning I noticed a quarter size brown spotting. My fiancé and I went to the ER. Everything looked fine: blood work was great and saw LO for the first time during the abdominal and trans vaginale ultrasound which confirmed that LO is fine. Still doctor urged us to see our OBGYN sooner than our schedule prenatal for the 19th.

Impossible. This afternoon I started to bleed profusely with massive clots. I went to the ER again. I filled four pads within two hours and thirty minutes. Blood work and pelvic exams showed that my levels are up and that my cervix is not open which means I’m still pregnant. Except that they did not do an ultrasound to check for heartbeat. I’m freaking out. My prenatal appointment is tomorrow afternoon but I cannot wait to find out why I’m bleeding. Has anyone experienced that and still carry the baby to full term? I’m hoping and praying that LO is still in there being strong and fighting for mommy.