Gym/yoga/active mamas, tell me your story!


I don’t know about any of you, but as I creep up on the 3rd trimester staying active gets much more trying. The aches and pains are unreal, not to mention the pressure in the lower abdomen, the round ligament pain, the hip and joint tweaking as your joints begin to loosen, it’s all very odd to experience! My weightlifting regimen has gotten lighter and I am no longer running but walking at an incline. Due to the aches I’ve added lots of yoga and seem to be benefiting greatly from 20 minutes of practice before a strength training session.

I’m so determined to reap all the benefits of exercise during pregnancy! The last couple weeks my motivation has been sky high! I’m Not sure if it’s because I’m wanting to show off my new figure as a bridesmaid in my friends wedding next week or my goal of staying fit through out my pregnancy. What ever it is, I haven’t felt this driven in a while.

Some days are deffinately better then others, yesterday my husband had to help me tie my shoes and today I was doing 4 sets of 20, monster walks, lunges and light weight squats!

I’d love to see some gym selfies of other Mama’s! Tell me how your pregnancy fitness journey has been so far!