Making her debut at 38w6d...


My sweet baby took me by surprise when she came on her own yesterday! I was facing a possible induction on Wednesday due to low AFI, but baby girl had her own agenda!

Contractions started 8:30pm Sunday night, went to hospital at 11:30pm (contractions were 4 min apart for 2 hours), got sent home at 12:30am bc I was 1.5cm dilated. While home, contractions remained 4 min apart then became 2-4 min apart and more severe. So I did not get any sleep Sunday night (still haven’t slept yet, I guess I’m running on adrenaline). I labored at home from 1am-5:30am, woke Hubs up and said we needed to go back! Returned to the hospital at 6am, contractions 2-3 min apart and extremely painful & still only 1.5cm dilated. I labored for 1 hour and a half no change, nurse suggested to walk the halls. So I did so off an on for an hour and a half, stood up to go to walk some more & plug hit the floor & 2 seconds later my water broke at 8:15am, I was 3cm. Got my epidural because I was in so much pain, I was dizzy and nauseous, by 10am I was dilated to 5cm & numb. I kinda freaked out with the way my legs felt, it was weird and made me anxious 🤷🏼‍♀️, luckily Hubs calmed me down a bit (I was kinda being drama) and I actually started to get feeling back in my legs while still remaining numb & that helped! Nurse checked on me at 11am & I was at 10cm & ready to push. Waited for the doctor for a bit (she was in a c-section) and then pushed from 11:20-11:40am and 13 pushes later baby was born!

Jolene Anne, born 11:40am, 7lbs 9 oz, 20 inches long & perfect! I love her so much & cannot stop staring at her! I’m just so amazed that she’s mine!