What should I do?


So I'm 19 and my boyfriend is 25... or so I thought. 3 months into our relationship, he confessed that he was actually 34, but the reason he lied to me was because he felt I never would have given him a chance. We also met on tinder, and he didn't think that it would become serious with anybody he met on tinder so he never saw it as a problem (he liked the increased attention he got from the lowered age). We were seeing each other every day and night, having sleepovers, and getting really close, and even talking about the future in a possible relationship like kids and everything. He even made a shared journal for us where we would write back and forth to each other (August 25). He started to ask me to be his girlfriend shortly after (idk the exact date, but it was like a few days after) and I kept saying not yet because I had just gotten out of a relationship and wanted to make sure he wasn't a rebound before officially being together. I found out that until September 2 (the day before we officially got together) he was still messaging girls on tinder, he had even sent out a mass text to 19 girls (yes I counted) and invited them over (THAT NIGHT) to come over to his place for a beer. That was the weekend I had gone away for a retreat, but he was still messaging and video chatting me all week. He never hung out with anybody since we started our sleepovers, but that's only because nobody said yes. I know he's changed, but I still don't know if I should trust him. I also know he loves me and he's been fighting really hard through all my petty actions and yelling and everything and still wants to be with me. I don't really know what to do at this point. Any opinions/suggestions/comments?

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