First Christmas


So I am just venting..

My son is my parents first grandbaby..they are excited ..I get it! But, I asked them not to get too crazy for Christmas..we live in a different state so I figured it wouldn’t be a huge issue. My husband and I bought one thing for our 4 month old..we figured he would be getting enough from everyone else and he doesn’t really need much I was wrapping his gift I decided to ask my mom if she had bought him the same thing already (I just had a feeling)...she did! So to save her on shipping I said she could just return it and either keep the money or spend it somewhere else. She wanted to send it still so we returned ours...later that week she sent me a picture of everything else she bought..:I’m pretty sure she bought every toy that hat toys r us has for 4-9 month range😳 plus a ton of clothes...I basically said “we appreciate it and love that you want to spoil him but can you please not buy anymore” she said “ of course..I am done shopping for him anyways” wellllll a couple days later she texted me and said “I thought I was done but I’m not”and sent a picture of a shit ton more stuff!!! Lastly...she said “I wasn’t going to wrap it all since I know you will be the one that really has to unwrap it all, but I wrapped it all anyways”😒😒..she spent $150 on shipping cost alone...I just can’t believe it..I know they are excited and could possibly be trying to make up for not being able to see us on Christmas but we do not “need or have space” for all of this stuff (we went a little crazy on all baby products before he was even born” I even thought about donating some of the gifts because he won’t need or play with all of them, but my parents are coming in March and I know they will ask where something is if they don’t see it...I know I should be grateful and not complain about it but I feel like it’s just a tad over the top..rant over..please no rude comments about how I need to be grateful or any of that! Thanks