Sexual education changes

Mirshmir🐡 • Living in the red, white but NEVER blue! DS born 12-12-15 💙 DD born 01-25-19 💗
In Ontario, we have recently updated our Sexual Education. This is the first major update in 20 or so years. 
Parents are pulling children out of class and are protesting the changes. 
I wonder what other people feel about these changes. 
Here's the new curriculum. 
Grade 1 - taught proper names for body parts. They will also learn how to recognize non-verbal signals (face expression & tone of voice) to better communicate with others. 
Grade 2 - body changes and development (infant, child, adolescent, adult...) verbal and physical violence and basic consent (no means no) 
Grade 3-4 - same sex relationships (not sex but acceptance) physical and emotional impacts of puberty (was grade 5 before) 
Grade 5-6 - puberty, including menstruation and spermatogenesis and how they relate to reproduction. Grade 6 will learn about masturbation and gender expression. Educated on how to build healthy relationships and consent. 
Grade 7-8 - learn about the dangers of sexting. Discuss contraception, oral and anal sex, and ways to prevent pregnancy and STI. 
Grade 9-10 - mental health, gender identity and sexual orientation- more in depth. Learn about factors in affect sexual decision making including personal values, peer pressure, media. 
Grade 11-12 - focus on how to use decision making skills to create healthy relationships. Learn about reducing stigma around mental illness and taking proactive health measures. 

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