
So I'm 11 weeks & today I looked at the app like every day since I found out & it says 'your baby is the size of a lime' 😕 this freaked me out, and then I thought oh crap this things only getting bigger! I'm a bit of a reluctant mother to be, this whole experience is daunting and frightening to me. Hubby is amazing & so excited but I can't seem to get there! I just hate it & now were here I wish we had adopted. I see everyone's posts and how positive the site is but I'm not that way & I'm struggling with how I feel about it all?! I'm sure it will be fine (Lucky to be low risk so far) & I keep telling myself this is a natural thing people do all the time since the dawn of time & that I can do it but is it bad that I don't want to? Obviously I will & I know we will be great parents but these feelings won't go away & it makes me sad, I should be enjoying this experience with Hubby?