Husband gave baby a bath....

My husband took a bath with our 3mo son, (so baby was able to be pretty fully submerged in the water, *my husband was holding him though, And I was supervising, his head never went under the water or anything like that* but he was just more covered with water than he ever has been before) anyway, my husband is a HOT water person, so I kept making him wait until the water was cooler, I still felt like it was too hot for baby when he finally went in. My husband was insisting it was fine.

(I did the elbow check, it felt on the 'hot side' not just the 'warm' side)

Baby's skin didn't turn red or anything, maybe just a touch pink, he didn't fuss or cry at all. He was just super quiet the whole time, and then fell asleep right after he was out of the bath. Is this normal? Does this sound like the water was too hot for him? Could it have raised his core temperature too much? My husband said it just relaxed him and that he's fine, but I don't know. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I just don't want him to be hurt or uncomfortable or in a dangerous situation. After his bath, I put a diaper and just a light receiving blanket over him, so he could cool down if he was too hot, but also not get too cold.

(And yes, I do know that a thermometer would have solved the situation in question here, but we don't have one currently, but i will be getting one after this just to make sure)

I've been feeling like I'm constantly telling my husband to do something this way, or do something that way, etc and I'm really not trying to be overprotective or controlling, I just know babies are delicate and fragile when they're so young. But this is kind of why I *mostly* let my husband make the call on the bath temp, because I know he wants to bond and feel like he's doing something for his son too. Baby was in the bath for probably 15 minutes, possibly 20. I also let him soak longer than usual because he's been getting diaper rashes off and on, and I've found that baths help a lot.

😕😐 Thoughts?

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