Finally pregnant after miscarriage 🤩


January 20th I lost my little peanut. Carried for 4 more weeks then finally had a D&C; in February. We tried for 8 months after my doctor gave us the ok. Finally gave up on tracking my cycle, when I was ovulating, and all that fun stuff! We tried clomid for 4 months, but it turned me into a crazy person and I tried to harm myself, so I quit.

I found out three days ago that I was pregnant after my mom begged me for a week to come to her house and test.

This has been me ever since I saw the plus sign. 😂😭 The line was almost immediate and very dark!!

I’m so worried that I will lose this baby too. I know I need to stop worrying but I just can’t help it. My first doctor appointment is Thursday morning (Dec. 14th) and I’m so anxious!!! I cried myself to sleep last night worrying about my little peanut because I haven’t been sick yet. My app says I’m 5 weeks 4 days and last time I was pregnant I started getting sick on week 4. 😕 I know every pregnancy is different but I can’t stop worrying & honestly I don’t think I can go through that pain again 😞 anybody have any advice on what I can do to help myself stop worrying so much? I would really appreciate it. 💜