Feeling devastated.

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">Ivf</a> didn‘t work but I feel pregnant and emotionally hopeless.

The process with the eggs retrieval was sooo hard, my right ovary is still in pain.

Husband is also hopeless and I would say that he is thinking of leaving me. He says he doesn‘t want to try anymore and that I don‘t have hobbies anymore and that I‘ve become a boring person.

I had an operation this september preceded by months of lots of pain due to endo, cysts which prevented me from carrying on a normal life. I barely made it to work and all I could think about was lying on my bed.

After the lap I could not walk for two weeks and the third one , still not fully recovered, I had to go back to work as I was fearing losing it.

I started feeling better and checked specialist for fertility. They all told me <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> was the only option, but I should start with it asap bc my endo was extremely agressive.

My husband doesn‘t understand why things can‘t be easier and says that we dont do anything together anymore and that I am boring.

I do try. I plan things for us that fit into my current lifestyle. He feels like I should try more but at this point I am just phisically tired and emotionally overwhelmed.

He left yesterday for a work workshop. I‘ve been crying non-stop ever since. And this morning I found a journal of him from two years ago where he explained how he was cheating on me with a girl he spoke on the phone all the time but never met.

Is he at work? Since the results we are not talking anymore. I don‘t know what to think.

Should I confront him? Reading journals is not ok. I am not feeling any support on his side. This infertility journey sucks. Has it been so hard on you as well?

Sorry the long post.