Hoping for baby dust soon... Pray for me

Sara • First time mommy to be💕🍼

My last Depo shot was August 22nd it ran out Nov 22nd. I had some spotting then started my period. It lasted 5 days. I had unprotected sex all weekend so the 8th-10th. Yesterday I got sharp cramping but unlike the period kind. My breasts also felt as though they were thingling for a few mins. I'm hoping those are a good sign. If I go by the apps I have that track my cycle I am supossed to ovulate this week. It's my first time TTC so I don't know what to look for. I want a baby so bad that sometimes I think that I'm going crazy. 😕 I take a prenatal supplement. Really hoping for a Christmas miracle.. If anyone has stuff to say comment... I just needed to get this off my chest.. 😓